In an interview from July 2015, Vanley Burke talks of
capturing experience and of collecting material that reflects the
African-Caribbean community, typically unrepresented in many histories, or, if
represented at all, often inaccurate or incorrect. This is a critical moment in
the city for archives – the drastic and irreversibly damaging cuts to the archive
service at the Library of Birmingham, something that has directly affected many
PHC members, has forced us to consider questions around the importance of the
archive, and often to find justification for the collecting of memories. The
perilous position of the archive and its importance to Birmingham past and
present has been discussed elsewhere by Izzy Mohammed, Jim Ranahan and myself.
One of the reasons much of Vanley’s archive is now housed at the Library of Birmingham
is precisely because of projects such as Black Pasts, Birmingham Futures and Connecting Histories, both hugely important and under-recognised work by archivists,
academics and artists at Birmingham Archives & Heritage that called for a
higher profile for our multi-cultural history.
This exhibition challenges us to think about what the
archive means, what it is, and why it is essential to preserve it. In his foreword
to the accompanying guide, Jonathan Watkins, Ikon Director, observes that
‘archival items … are indexical traces of human presence, countless pieces of
evidence of actual experience. The collection of them suggests insurance
against certain memories being lost, and that there will be a repository of raw
material that can give rise to alternative histories’. Many of us believe in
the importance of Watkins’ words, of collecting and remembering the everyday, and
the importance of presenting alternative histories, and that we must actively prevent
these memories being lost, or inaccessible, or ignored. As ‘chronicler of
Birmingham’s black history’, here evident amongst fruit bowls, old video
recordings of TV programmes like Dallas and
Taggart, toys, photos of Paul Robeson
and Karl Marx, collections of iron slave restraints, and maps, the intimacy
found in Vanley’s photographic work is now presented to us, as we walk though
his home, and through his life, merging public and private, past and present.
In his essay for the exhibition guide, Pete James, Curator
of Photographs at the Library of Birmingham, writes that the objects we can see
‘serve to remind us of how these kinds of everyday and seemingly disposable
things are often imbued with significance which we, from our position in the
present, cannot fully comprehend’. Vanley Burke’s work, and this intimate
exhibition, reminds us of the necessity of doing this, of us, in the present, capturing
and preserving memories, in order to reflect the experience of everyday people.
Nicola Gauld
Images by Nicola Gauld
Images by Nicola Gauld
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